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There is a vitality

a life force, a quickening
that is translated through you into action,

and there is only one of you in all time,

this expression is unique.


It is not your business

to determine how good it is

nor how it compares

with other expressions,

or even believe in yourself

or your work.


You have to keep open

and aware

directly to the urges

that motivate you.

Keep the channel open. 

~ Martha Graham

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Dancing Buddhas

Virtual dance project

conceived and designed by Shelley

Explore the phases of awakening

in a short sensory meditation

strengthening intuition.


The Dream

Sitting with All Life
The Stance Coming to Life

The Beginner Curiously Exploring

All Together Caring


Sensory Meditation


As you watch the video explore via inner sight, sound, smell, taste, feeling, and intuition in creative play. Tune into any message, intuition, or gift at the end of the exercise, no matter how subtle. Take note of what you receive or even write it down as you honor your inner wisdom.

Dancing Buddhas Project

Each phase Carlos Fittante from NYC and Shelley from San Francisco would create a short improvisation, one spontaneous movement based solely on the title. Shelley then edited a short video vignette of each phase. The two videos show the different environments and expressions of the same theme. 

 Journey from West Coast
Journey from East Coast
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